P r o f e s s i o n a l D e v e l o p m e n t
Professor Betancourt is the founder of the C.O.R.E. Program for Teachers. He has an insatiable appetite for teaching and learning, which has put him in demand in the educational field in the United States and internationally. Through the application of the C.O.R.E. Program, he facilitates, presents, consults, and gave keynotes to faculty, administrators, students, and parents. The focus is not only supporting faculty in their teaching and learning, but nurturing the learning climate of the entire institution to create an invigorated educational environment. Topics included: ethos led learning, growth mindset, grit, habits of mind, the flipped classroom, expansive education, education in the modern world, technology in education, and teaching best practices.


Dr. Betancourt travels internationally as a creative and dynamic educational consultant to promote pedagogical excellence within multiple teaching and learning environments. His core mission is to engage, equip, and connect educators to create and integrate transformative learning experiences using evidence-based practices. He actively accomplishes this mission by fostering learning environments informed by research on teaching and learning, promoting the tools of teaching, advancing strategic learning initiatives, and facilitating practices that support an integrated educational experience. He is committed to excellence in teaching, learning and technology and to continually improve the quality of education by supporting teachers and encouraging reflective teaching practices. Dr. Betancourt supports innovative and interdisciplinary approaches when thinking about learning, teaching and technology and promotes initiatives that involve faculty from multiple disciplines and levels. His is committed to promoting life-long learning for students AND teachers.
Professor Betancourt is a strong advocate for the expansive education movement, experiential learning models, service learning, the habits of minds initiative, the growth mindset, and an overarching teaching philosophy that incorporates learning dispositions as central to the educational experience.
At Cerritos College, California, Professor Betancourt leads the award winning Center for Teaching Excellence (CTX). His goal is to create an inclusive working environment of collaboration, transparency, support, and shared leadership among all constituency groups: faculty, staff, administration, and students. His primary responsibility is to oversee and promote a comprehensive faculty center that provides scholarship, administration, teaching and learning, professional development, and technology resources and support through the organization of the multiple faculty resources currently on campus. Since 2012, he has developed an extensively vibrant program of professional learning opportunities for the entire college faculty. As a result, the CTX has become a resource for professional learning centers on university and community college campuses throughout the state. His activities in the CTX have gained notoriety with requests to present on professional learning topics at California Community Colleges Success Network events, the Professional and Organizational Development Network Conference (international), the California Community College Council for Staff and Organizational Development Conference, the Basic Skills Initiative Leadership Institute, the Lilly Conference, and numerous colleges.
Oversite of the following CTX components:
Identify professional development needs.
Consult with professional development committees and different departments to identify professional development needs.
Collaborate in setting professional development priorities and in designing and directing professional development programs for all faculty.
Design pragmatic and impactful strategies to address key faculty development needs.
Design, Implement, and Maintain Professional Development Programs.
Develop an effective communications plan to engage campus constituencies in faculty professional development activities.
Develop new hire engagement through orientation and long-term on-boarding programs (New Faculty Orientation Program: NFOP), increasing the results of professional development initiatives to faculty productivity.
Evaluate the impact of faculty professional development programs. Modify and recommend appropriate changes to existing programs.
Modify and continuously improve program materials in response to feedback, assessment and strategic planning (in collaboration with the Senate Faculty Professional Development Committee).
Research and identify additional funding sources.
Oversee the functionality and utilization of professional learning management system (FLEXREPORTER).
Oversee the Development annual calendar of professional development events and programs.
Oversee the maintenance of the CTX website.
Serve on the Senate Faculty Professional Development Committee.
Supervise and direct CTX staff personnel.
Maintains currency in the field through research and participation in regional, state and national professional development activities including events hosted by California Community Colleges Success Network (3CSN), California Community College Council for Staff and Organizational Development (4CSD), Professional and Organizational Development (POD) Network, Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Insitutes (SoTL), Teaching Professors Conference, the Lilly Conference, and others as appropriate.
Development and implementation of professional development workshops
Development and implementation of the New Faculty Orientation Program
Development and implementation of adjunct faculty orientation and training
Development and implementation of the Teaching Assistant program
Development and implementation of the Faculty Mentor Program
Development and implementation of Student Success Conference
Development and implementation of CTX Summer Institute
Development and implementation of ED TECH DAY
Administration of Faculty Inquiry Groups
Development and implementation of professional development initiated through awarded grants
Flex Coordinator
Development and coordination of course preparation assignments
Primary liaison between faculty, administration, professional development organizations, and the CTX.
Manage all professional development offerings that are initiated from individuals, groups, or organizations
Collaborate with Human Resources Vice President to align and increase professional learning opportunities for all employees
Messaging and branding of CTX
Manage calendar of events
Submit unit plan
Develop and oversee annual budget
Chair the CTX Advisory Board Committee
Professor Betancourt has an extensive list of professional learning presentations to his credit.